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Far Infrared Saunas

​​It is the only Sauna with computer-programmed ceramic semi-conductor chips that filters out ALL of the non-healing light rays, so that you can totally absorb the healing far infrared rays of 4-14 microns, and not have to resist any other energies.

The Relax Sauna is made with 40 pieces of hi-tech temperature controlled semi-conductors.  The wavelength & temperature are controlled by the program. The wavelength is between 4~14um, which is easily absorbed by our body, penetrating deeply.

Benefits of Owning the Relax FIR Portable Sauna


  • Very safe: will not even burn tissue paper if held directly to the radiators

  • Fast: heats up in 30 seconds

  • Easy to clean and maintain

  • Very portable - fits into a convenient carrying bag

  • LOW EMF near the body. The radiators are down near the feet unlike most saunas which have panels which emit EMF all around the body. 


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